Murder Inc, 187
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MI 187 Code of Conduct

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MI 187 Code of Conduct Empty MI 187 Code of Conduct

Post  Admin Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:36 am

Murder Inc. members must understand that Mobsters2 is a game intended for adults. The game is based on violence and crime. You can expect to be attacked, punched, hit listed, mobbed up on, and ICED (whether you are a part of this family or not). Foul language will be used, on occasion players may be VERY mean, and you WILL have to deal with idiots on a regular basis.

Murder Inc members must be willing and able to utilize the chat while playing Mobsters2. While you are not required to be in the chat at all times we would like to see you as much as possible! Visiting the chat room only when you have a problem that requires assistance is not acceptable.

Murder Inc members will conduct themselves in a manner, that is respectful and direct when first dealing with a potential enemy. If the person in question decides to act in a disrespectful manner you are expected to not cross the line, when it comes to racial, sexist, handicapped, homophobic or other remarks that can universally be taken as offensive.


In a family you can expect to be involved in numerous fights. Whether you are backing up family members with individual targets, or participating in a war with multiple targets, you WILL be attacked, punched, hit listed, and ICED! You must be willing to die for the rest of the family as we will all be willing to die for you.

DO NOT EVER actively recruit a member from another family.

In addition to following the Mobster's Code of Conduct all members must understand that they are individual representatives for the entire Murder Inc family. When using Murder Inc tags in broadcasts or comments you are advertising our family. How we treat each other, how we treat others, how we handle problems, and how we conduct ourselves in general (as a group or as individuals) says a lot about us. All we have is our word and our reputation, that can all be flushed away with one stupid comment or action. Think before you act, and mind your tongue before you speak. If you are angry, take a breath or step away and use your brain.

When able, players should do their best to prevent conflict or resolve matters on their own. If you attack off the fight list try to limit attacks on individuals to avoid retaliation (many Mobsters believe that 3 attacks or more warrants retaliation. Though many mobsters ignore 1 or 2 random attacks, some may retaliate for single hits based on their play style).

Players should use caution and good judgment When backing up members of your mob. It is not the duty of Murder Inc to go to war on behalf of players who are not our own. If you wish to get involved in someone else's battle please be prepared to deal with the repercussions. Though we do encourage you to support others, as it's a great way to represent your family... please remember that family comes first!!

Conflict Resolution:

When attacked multiple times by a player make a fair evaluation as to whether or not the attacks were random (off the fight list), or an assault for another reason, before bringing it to the attention of leadership. (If someone simply attacks you a few times there is probably no need to call for help or back up on the matter unless the attacks continue).

When a conflict does occur Murder Inc members must utilize the chain of command to report incidents appropriately. DO NOT give out targets in the chat room. If you need assistance it is a leadership members responsibility to evaluate the situation and determine what action should be taken. If this becomes a problem, non leadership memebers that violate this rule will be banned from chat or removed from the mob. Huge wars happen when people over react and run their mouths.

When reporting a situation to an officer have as much of the following information as possible - ID, level, name, what they did ( of attacks, did they kill you?, HL you?, is more than one person involved?, when it happened, the reason they attacked (if you know), and what action you've taken to resolve the matter, and what response (if any) the player has given to your attempt at resolution.

Providing the required information will enable us to be more efficient when evaluating conflicts & determining what action needs to be taken. Failure to provide adequate information may result in no action taken.

We are here as a family to fight with you, not for you. If we go to war on your behalf you MUST participate.

During a war all members online are expected to be in the Murder Inc chat room and participating to the best of their ability. Attack, punch, hit list, or just leave comments if necessary... but you MUST do something and make your presence known on the target's page.

Participants must be prompt to alert an officer if the enemy surrenders, requests a truce, if additional enemies are attacking (provide ID 's), etc.

If "STAND DOWN" is called in the chat room, or on the enemies page, all Murder Inc members must stop attacks and await further instructions. While a negotiation is in place be sure to notify a leadership member immediately if you are attacked by the enemy or their allies.

If outside help is needed for a war it is up to the leadership to decide what action to be taken. Do NOT call for back up from your mob unless instructed to do so. Allies must be notified immediately if there is a stand down or truce in effect.

You will not always like or agree with the decisions of leadership, you also may not have all the information to decide if the decision was a good one. If you disagree and wish to voice your opinion it must be done in private chat and not in front of the family. Anybody that violates this rule will be removed, no questions asked. The good of the family comes before the good of the individual. Nobody is irreplaceable, bosses and underbosses included.

When in doubt on any other situation, ask somebody in leadership before acting.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2010-03-20

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